COVID-19 Cup

Last updated: 21/01/2025

With lots of people walking around their neighbourhood, we thought it would be cool to show our sports teams some love. Put on a team jersey (whatever the sport) and get out and play the COVID-19 Cup, hitting shuttles/scoring points while walking in your bubble!

How do I score/hit shuttles?

The first 63 letterboxes you see on your walk will determine how many shuttles you hit. Points are based on what colour letterboxes you see. If you come across a black letterbox, you've missed the shuttle and will get a penalty!

Simply print off a scorecard, take note of the colour of the next letterbox you see and look at your scorecard to see how many shuttles you hit in a row!

We would love to see photos of people out scoring in support of their sports team. Share your score and show us how you represented your team via Wellington North Badminton Facebook and/or Instagram.

TIP: The next time you walk the block, change your route to see if you can beat your previous score!

  • Games commence Thursday, April 16, 2020
  • Games run for one week (ending midnight Wednesday, April 22, 2020) allowing for seven opportunities. Make sure you register your top score on our Facebook page and/or Instagram to be in to win
  • You don't have to register your score - you can play just for fun!
  • Use the COVID19 Cup Scorecard to record performance
  • Highest score will be recognised and win $30 account credit for when we return!
  • Challenge friends and family to hit a higher score!

Simply print off a scorecard, get out in your bubble and wear your jersey in support of your team!

*While out walking, always remain local and in your bubble as per the current government guidelines around preventing the spread of COVID-19. Where possible, please always stick to the footpath. If you must cross the road, please check in both directions to make sure the way is clear.

Points scored by letterbox colour below:

  • WHITE = 1 point
  • SILVER = 2 points
  • BLUE = 3 points
  • BROWN = 4 points
  • GREEN = 6 points
  • BLACK = YOU MISSED! -10 points
  • Any other colour = 0

Bonus points can be achieved as follows:

  • If you also spot teddy bears in the window, double your points! (e.g. brown letterbox and teddy bear = 8 runs)
  • Wear your team jersey, whatever the sport = 10 points
  • Play with a racket in hand = 15 points 

To secure bonus points and upload your score, share a selfie and a photo of your scorecard on Facebook and/or Instagram tag @wn.badminton and use the hashtag #COVID19Cup


1.Babette McCalman73
Covid-19 Cup Leadboard

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